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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twigs and Honey

Images by Lisa Warninger

Twigs & Honey creator extraodinaire Myra Callan's fall line has arrived and I must say it is breath taking...
The detail, time, and creativity that goes into each gorgeous piece is truly lovely.
I love all the whimsy and uniquely divine accessories, which can be seen here.

Twigs and honey is a wonderful company that makes beautiful handmade accessories that compliment any brides look.
At the online shop they offer hair accessories, jewelry, belts, veils, and much more. I simply adore them all!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer nights...

We have San Diego Zoo passes. OK I said it. I know it's dorky, but one of the main reasons I like to go to the zoo is because of the sky buckets (I think that's what there called:)). I love the view overlooking downtown, you can see for miles on a clear day and the feeling of flight without engines strapped to the sides of course. I could seriously just go there for the sky buckets. Plus, amazing foliage and gorgeous animals, need I say more. 
 Parker and I went to the night zoo recently, well there open til 9pm. I prefer summer nights because they are cooler less crowded and the light is really beautiful for photographs.

Photographer note: All photos were taken with my Canon 7D and the 50 1.4 lens. I love the depth of field this lens has. And for low light it captures the ambient light beautifully. 
I hope your enjoying your summer... what trips or places have you gone to? 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer nights...

This weekend the summer nights were gorgeous! 
The sky was incredibly clear, there were kids playing in the ocean waves (actually they were running from the waves:)) cute families were walking and enjoying the beautiful scenery, and my hubby took me on a date! Yes 4 years and 10 months later (I know. I know.) we still go on surprise dates. Gotta keep it romantic. Even still,  I couldn't resist snapping some picks as we walked along the cove in La Jolla.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I hope your enjoying your weekend! I sure am! Normally, I don't post on the weekend, but I had to ask 
"Do you remember when you were in English class and your teacher would make you memorize vocabulary words...what a fun task that was (sarcasm intended:))?" Although, I've always liked words and there meanings. There is one word that has stuck with me...coalesced.
What does it mean you ask?
Well, the online dictionary states, " to blend, or come together."
Some synonyms are fuse, merge, amalgamate(which is a new vocab. word for me, see I'm always learning), combine, unite, and join. 
I was eating dinner with my hubby, when I noticed the colors of the sunset were literally depicting what I learned so many years ago. And in an instant memories flashed through my mind. I knew I had to capture this great memory now. That is one of the reasons I heart photography so much!
Plus I love the loan bird sitting atop the tree branch.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Inspiration of the day

We are redecorating our bedroom!! Well, I should say I am redecorating it:). If you couldn't already tell from my other posts...besides photography I am a design junkie and it has been a year and 1/2 since we moved into our apartment and I need a fix. A fix of something new and refreshing. (nothing illegal:)) 
Now where to begin?
First, I need inspiration: Domino magazine stopped arriving in my mailbox awhile ago.  Oh the sorrow!
But not to worry I have the PERFECT book to draw inspiration from...
"Domino-the book of decorating" by the fabulous Deborah Needleman, Sara Ruffin Costello, and Dara Caponigro.
This book is 271 of pages of pure goodness. 
Second, I need to make a decision. I have a few ideas and am thinking of painting my room a soft romantic grey with cream and white accents. I want it to be light and a place where my hubby and I can go to dream, escape, and create. 
Third, I need to make it happen. Concept? Check. Design plan? Check. Paint? Check. New items? Check. Cleaning? Check. 
Now I just need to make it happen:)
What inspires you? What are your favorite colors or design inspirations? 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blissful Summer

I often sit at my desk typing the day away, editing in the photoshop vortex, and then like a light bulb illuminating a darkroom I realize I should get some fresh air. What a concept, right
Who would have thunk? Go outside? Yes. 
 I often loose time or time goes by very fast, but one of my absolute favorite things to do is ride my yellow beach cruiser with my hubby along the boardwalk. I love the feeling of the wind, the smell of the salty air streaming by me, and most of all I love to people watch.  Kids building sand castles. Grown ups trying to catch kids. And a variety of other characters to choose from.
I adore the sound of the ocean crashing onto the shore, so much force, yet so simple, so natural, so amazing. 
Have a blissful summer!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Inspiration of the day

To me there is something heavenly about light breaking through clouds...I happened to be riding my bike when I saw this gorgeous site. I immediately stopped. Grabbed my trusty side kick ( my camera silly) and began shooting away.
So grand and amazing. People were lining the sidewalks to take in the sight.
I know it may seem simple or something you see all the time, but for me it is important to capture the beauty in the everyday, in the little things that make our lives go round and round.  
Have a beautiful weekend!
** Photographers note: This was shot with a 50 1.4/22/250 in manual mode and spot metering. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Things I've learned...

Love at first sight is real.
Do what you love.
Learn something 
new every day.
adore lazy Sundays and Veggie Omelets with lots of cheese (not just on top, but in the middle too please).
Take time to read and gain inspiration from your own imagination.
Recycling feels good.
Farmers Markets 
are awesome...they have lots of free samples, plus I truly like supporting local business owners and community. They have the best flowers too!
Sun flare and a little over exposure is brilliant.
is Art.
I am not a believer in lots of flashy lighting, although that works for others. I enjoy natural light and wide open lenses. (I use the fancy set ups when I need to).
I adore perfect bokeh in a photograph.
Vintage aesthetics with a modern edge = interesting.
I love finding new perspectives and angles to bring you out in the images. 

heart photography.