Happy Saturday!! Ok, so I'm in a bit of denial. I am turning 30 in a few days!! 30!!!!!! What!? How is it that time has gone by sooo quickly...is it normal not to feel your age? I remember playing in the mud with my twin sister until only our eyes were visible, wearing roller skates that velcro over your shoes ( soooo cool...seriously!), playing non-stop until dusk (capture the flag anyone?), and my first day of high school (oh gosh! Can we say wanna be hippie!?), meeting amazing friends, meeting my husband!!! How thankful can one person be? Yes, I may be in denial, but am superdeeduper excited for the next 30! I want to do a better at cataloging each decade...what? That sounds weird huh, but keeping a photo journal has always been a goal of mine, so this is the year to start. Anyway enough of my ramblings..hehe... So this weekend is full of celebration and birthday cake!! I hope lots and lots of birthday cake!
Saturday postings are not normal for me, but I am smitten with this family and had to post a few preview pics of their delightful Family Session!!
I am taking Monday off, so have a great weekend and I'll see you Tuesday with an "UP" inspired session!
These are wonderful - I especially love the first shot.