Hello all, we are having a heat wave hear in San diego... as the gorgeous Marilyn Monroe sang in "Some like it hot," "we are having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave."
Right now, I am sitting on the floor in front of a fan drinking a cold glass of lemonade with a towel I put in the ice box on my forehead:)). Nice huh!
I hope you are cool and without further ado...
Another installation of my inspiration of the day! Enjoy!
1. Cool camera's especially when they are made out of lego's!!! I mean really how great is this and it works too!Check it out here.
2. I love old movies and this "Some like it hot" is a classic. When I was little my mom & I used to watch old movies together for hours. We had a ball and fond memories ensue every time I flip to AMC.
There is something sweet and innocent about these era's gone by.
There is something sweet and innocent about these era's gone by.
3.. I absolute adore Oh Hello friend! Her blog is refreshing, creative, and just plain cute!
4. And one of my favorite photographer/chef/delightful blogger is Aman of Canelle et Vanille.
If you love food...good, healthy(most of the time), and simply divine food. You will flip for this blog. Every photo tells a story of a scrumptious recipe and inspires me to cook delightfully, not just follow a recipe, but create a work of art. Thank you Aman!
And last, but certainly not least...
I wanted to wish all of my friends: love beyond measure, hope beyond dreaming, life abundant with laughter, and joy always! I am so inspired by my friends...they are truly amazing and I am blessed to know them.
Happy Thursday!!!!
love you!